Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Drama Performance band descriptions

Drama Performance band descriptions
The typical performance in this band:
Band 6
  • has extensive knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these using exemplary skills in making, performing and critically studying drama
  • demonstrates flair and originality in conceptualising, developing and producing an exemplary dramatic work
  • collaborates at a sophisticated level to devise and present an innovative group performance which evokes a powerful audience response
  • demonstrates sophisticated analysis, synthesis and application of information and/or research about drama and theatre, and ability to frame responses in an informed personal and coherent manner
Band 5
  • has substantial knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these using high level skills in making, performing and critically studying drama conceptualises, develops and produces a high quality dramatic work
  • collaborates effectively to devise and present an engaging group performance which demonstrates an understanding of the actor and audience relationship
  • demonstrates skills of analysis and synthesis of information and/or research about drama and theatre which is presented through coherent, informed responses
Band 4
  • has sound knowledge, understanding and some appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these using well developed expressive skills in making, performing and critically studying drama
  • is able to develop and produce dramatic work of some quality
  • is able to contribute towards devising and presenting a coherent group performance which demonstrates an awareness of the actor and audience relationship
  • can analyse and use information and/or research about drama and theatre to structure clear, relevant responses
Band 3
  • has basic knowledge and understanding of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these when making, performing and critically studying drama
  • can produce a satisfactory dramatic work
  • co-operates to devise and present a satisfactory group performance
  • can recall relevant information about drama and theatre to form basic responses
Band 2
  • has some knowledge and understanding of the elements of drama and can demonstrate this when making, performing and critically studying drama.
  • can produce an elementary dramatic work
  • participates and performs to a limited level in group performance
  • recounts some relevant information about drama and theatre to form limited responses
Band 1