Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Parody: William Shakspears The Empire Striketh Back.

Parody: William Shakspears The Empire Striketh Back.


Introduction – What is Parody?
An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.

Can anyone give an example of a parody?

·       Parody relies upon for knowledge of the writer and or material being satirised.

Read out the Prologue to The Empire Striketh Back.

Can anyone recognize what is being parodied?
Can anyone recognise the style of writing?

·       Play opening credits of the movie: The Empire Strikes Back 0:00 - 2:00

Read the opening prologue again.

Now that you have a context.
How has your understanding of the text changed?

Hand out Scripts: Of The Empire Striketh Back Act 1.

Watch scenes of the Movie followed by readings of the script.
Act one of the play is in almost perfect sequential order with the Movie.

As the script is being read out, point out the methods used in order to parody Shakspears writing as well as the references to his many plays.

For more information please refer to the Teachers Guide.



Give a Reading presentation of Act 1 The Empire Striketh Back.

(Given time a voice warm up would be most beneficial) 

The class will be broken up into groups.
One separate group per scene. 

Give rehearsal time for basic staging and to acquaint themselves with the script.

Each scene corresponds with the Sound track provided.

Play the sound track while the reading is given. The owns is on the students to project over the music played.