Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Music Year 8: Film and Television Music

Year 8

Film & Television Music

What is the purpose of music in Films?

Music in film fulfils four main functions;
1.To suggest the setting – the time place        of the story.
2.To convey characters or ideas.
3.To create a mood or an atmosphere
4.      To express the emotions of the    characters

What kind of music might represent this character?
Activity: Write down 5 adjectives which might describe this character.
What kind of music might represent him?

Pirates of the Caribbean- Dead Man’s Chest

Jack Sparrow, the main character from the Pirates Of the Caribbean movie series is one of the most memorably screen personalities in recent years.
Played by Jonny Depp, the character Jack Sparrow walks with a drunken, stumbling gait, slurs his words and speaks with wild, flamboyant hand gestures.  He is a cheerful person and loves the pirate life.
In the following extract the Jack Sparrows theme uses a ‘jig’.
A ‘jig’ is a lively dance in popular in Celtic music. ‘Jigs’ were often danced by sailors to relieve boredom on long sea voyages.

Revision: Foreground & Background

Listen to the extract and see if you can identify the ‘Jig’ melody in the foreground?
Listening Activity
Listen to the opening passage and answer the first 3 questions.
Q1) What instruments play the opening accompanying figures?
Q2) Referring to dynamics and duration, how are these instruments being played?
Q3) How might you describe the pitch and timbre of the opening accompanying section? How is the timbre in the background different to that of the melody being played in the foreground?

The next 4 questions are bases on the melody.
Q1) How is the melody varied on the repeat?
Q2) Which instrument plays the ‘Jig’ type melody?
Q3) Which family of instruments accompany the ‘Jig’ melody on the repeat?
Q4) After the ‘Jig’ melody does the music go to forte, piano or pianissimo?

0:00 jack sparrow
6:08 the kraken
13:07 Davy Jones
16:23 I've got my eye on you
18:49 Dinner is served
20:20 Tia dalma
24:20 two hornpipes
25:35 a family affair
29:10 wheel of fortune
36:00 you look good jack
41:32 hello beastie
51:47 he's a pirate (remix)

But how does music fit into the movie?

A film score is usually written specifically for a movie. However sometimes existing music is used to fulfil the above criteria.
A director may ask a composer to provide music for all kinds of things.
For example;
·        Background music
·        Incidental Music
·        Themes
·        Music for the Main Title & End Title

Star Wars
When George Lucas asked John Williams to write the score for Star Wars he was told to write it like a Cinematic Opera. As a result John Williams wrote themes for nearly all the characters in the movie. 
Watching the first 3mins of Star Wars and see if you can identify when; Background music, Incidental Music, Themes and Music for the Main Title & End Title are being played.

The word theme in a movie can have a number of meanings. It can mean;
·        A melody written to represent a character or an idea.
·        The piece as a whole containing the melody (and even other themed melodies).
·        A ‘signature piece’ heard at the start or end of a film usually under the credits.

Whatever the meaning, themes are written for a particular film and cannot be used for another….  With the exception of a sequel.
Used in a sequel the theme creates a connection with the original movie.
An effective theme is like an aural ‘Signpost’. We hear a theme and it signals a character, even if the character isn’t on stage.  

Listening Activity
Listen to the three following themes;
What kind of characters might they represent?
Referring at least two concepts of music (duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive techniques, tone colour, texture and structure) to explain your response
Remember in each sentence to: Mention the instrument, the musical concepts and how these concepts work together to create your personal response.


Listening Activity

Listening to Darth Vader’s theme and referring to the concept of music describe how the composer tries to capture a sense of the evil dark lord of the Sith.