Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Quality Reflection; Back at School

Quality Reflection

Coming Back to School

School has changed a lot since I was a boy. I was surprised at the amount of technology being used in the classroom. IPhone’s and MacBook’s are common place. If fact they are necessary.

As a result music and sound effects are used in performance, in combination with traditional dramatic exercises.  The phones became an extension of their performances.

The paradox of this is that the phone became a crutch or an easy solution to a more existential exercise.
The school has a no paper policy, or as little paper as possible policy. As much as possible things are written in online log books. Teachers and students freely email one another, to arrange schedules, marks, feedback and so on. All of this is facilitated through 'canvas'.

Grading, attendance and behaviour can be recorded through this program allowing for instant individual student referral by heads of department or other.
Today I marked the year 9 drama written tasks. The whole system, based around Canvas, in some ways made the task easier. The marks were immediately available to the students. From the point of view of an internal record keeping system it is a dream come true. And marks, comments, attendance, good behaviour, bad behaviour, can be accessed instantly by any teacher with appropriate access.

First Lessons in Giving Lessons
Before My First Class – Drama Yr. 9A
It is amazing how much the content is coming back to me. My mind is buzzing with physical sensation. I am becoming more confident with each day. Tomorrow I will be giving my first class. I feel ready.

I feel happy at work for the first time in 10 years. After working as a performer for so long it is such a release to be able to create once more.
After My First Class – Drama Yr. 9A
After reflecting on my last class with year 9, I realized that my plan was too complex and varied.

I need to also focus more on what I say in class. Time Management for example is my concern not there's. Only speak about thing which are a specific requirement of the next step in the lesson. For example mentioning the end task at the beginning. The class doesn't need to know where the lesson is going, rather they’re lead blindly to the destination. Then upon reflection in discussion do they realize what has been learnt.

Time Management was a problem. - I now have a watch.

Same Lesson With Drama Year 9B
The result of the lesson was far more favourable than yesterday.

I'm starting to realize that it is better to allow more free time for group tasks.
Supervising the students is more about keeping them on track to complete the task assigned, in their own way as opposed to controlling each step.

My attempts to micro manage the lesson was in fact a hindrance to the student learning experience.

It was also impressed upon me the need to set rules and to maintain them. In this consistency was important.