Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Mentor Teacher Comments

Martins lessons were well organised, using a range of resources, including ICT, Music, natural masks and space. Students were engaged, and understood the focus of each lesson continuing the development of their dramatic skills.

Louise Arnott, Head of Drama, Riverview College

Martin has developed a broad understanding of implementing effective lesson plans/programs applicable to the varying year levels.
He exercises am impressive understanding of strategies concepts in classroom management to help his students excel to their full potential and natural abilities.

A very competent energetic and well organised practitioner!
Martin has demonstrated exemplary classroom music lessons for each of the relevant year levels. At all times he has engaged and developed a sound rapport with his students. In return they have participated with much enthusiasm and motivation in learning about topic areas.
A fine teacher in the making.

Sia Mastro, Music Department, St Aloysius College

Final Report
Throughout Martins time at Brigidine he has completely covered all the teaching standards. He took a particular interest in the different ways students learn. He has prepared his own lesson content and sequences which he has then continued to develop over repeated lessons. He has taken part in preparing students for formal assessments and marking students with written and verbal feedback. Martin has worked well with his colleagues here and had good teacher/ student relationships.  

Martin has been an enthusiastic and conscientious teacher. He has an excellent and through knowledge of Music which conveys well to the students. His use of humor and positive feedback in the classroom provide for a safe learning environment. He has engaged well with the students, teachers and parents of the school community. He has a comprehensive understanding of the teaching standards and will go on to be a great teacher.

Martin has an extensive portfolio of resources which h has written and compiled himself. Combined with his skills and knowledge, Martin is prepared to start teaching in any school.
He has a great understanding of the syllabus and how it is changing.
He works efficiently with technology in the classroom and makes excellent transitions through different activities.
Martin has a good understanding of teaching theories and strategies.

Martin Has successfully completed his practicum at Brigidine. He has been an organised enthusiastic and knowledgeable teacher.
He challenges the students so they can reach their full potential. He develops his lessons and adapts them to meet the needs of individual students.

Jacqueline Ainsworth, Head of Music, Brigidine College Randwick.