Written & Compiled
Martin Thomas Buckingham

Year 9 Composition Arrangement

Year 9 Composition Arrangement.

Approaching final copies due: October 24th.  
Between now and then a majority of class time will be assigned to helping in the completion of this assignment. There is still an expectation that you will work on your arrangement in your own time.
Using the music provided, create an arrangement of Yesterday, by the Beatles, for string quartet.

Suggested process;
Step 1
Decide on the kind of style you would like to arrange the song.  
Step 2
Research the kinds of common rhythmic patterns used in your chosen style. Use these rhythmic patterns as a guide when looking at steps 3 & 4.
Step 3
Create your variation of the melody.

Suggested methods;

Anticipation – Where the note is heard before it would normally be heard.
Delay- Where the note is heard after it would normally be heard.
Augmentation-Where the original note lengths are lengthened.
Diminution- Where the original note values are shortened
Repetition of notes in the melody
Addition of chordal notes – short notes added to the melody which outline the harmony.
Passing notes – Notes moving by step between leaps in the melody.
Step 4
Create your variation of the harmony
Suggested methods;

Harmonic Variation

·        Change the harmonic rhythm; have more or fewer chord changes in a bar.
·        Use extended versions of the original chords.
Eg 6th, 7th, 11th & 13th chords
·        Use completely different chords from the original.
Typical Chord Substitutions and suggestions
·        Chord ii (or chord vi) can often replace chord IV.
·        Chord iii can often replace chord I when moving to chord IV.
·        Chromatic chords can be brought in for added colour.
·        Augmented chords are often used between chords a 4th apart.
·        When harmonies are repeated in a bar it is often useful to change the harmonic colour of the repeated chord for variety
Step 5
Using your variations of melody and harmony create an arrangement for a string quartet.
Maintain the same compositional structure as the sheet music provided.  
(In other words arrange in the same key, 11 bars total, repeat bars etc…)
Remember, though you’re creating a remix of the song the song must still be recognisable as ‘Yesterday’. 

Yesterday (String Quartet) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fss0NjwzTcQ