Assessment task: Neutral Mask
Costume and or rehearsal black are to be
worn for the exam. A short rehearsal period will be given at the beginning of
the session.
The exam will last 1hr 30mins. All
students not performing are expected to participate as audience, supporting
your fellow actors.
In this task, students will aim to:
Communicate effectively with increased
confidence by non-verbal means;
Use movement skills effectively;
Work co-operatively and creatively in group
Use and experiment with the elements of dramatic
Working in groups you will present an interpretation of the
Creation Story from the Holy Bible in Neutral Mask. This will be taken from
Genesis Chapter 1
Verse 1 – 31.
You will be assigned groups for this task. The lists are
You will have 3 Periods only to rehearse this group
examination. Do not waste this time. Your final mark depends upon it.
In preparation for your performance consider the following:
Use the work we have been developing in class on
fire, earth, water, air as a basis for the style in which you present all the
elements and images in the creation myth.
Your piece needs to have a clear beginning,
middle and ending with a clear dramatic structure. However you will probably
need to play more than one role: (human and non-human) to effectively
illustrate all images in the Creation Myth.
Block your pieces carefully. Know where you are in
the space at all times.
You may use music to add to your performance or
objects to create a soundscape
Rehearse your final piece and polish the
performance so that it is full of energy and has a clear meaning.
Assessment Criteria
For this
assessment task, you will receive a total mark out of 30:
You will be marked
on the following:
1. Expressive
skills /10
(Control, energy
and dynamics of movement skills; responses to cues, awareness of rhythms)
2. Sustaining
character /10
(Belief and
conviction in your role, relationships with other characters, concentration and
3.Composition of
piece /10
(Regard to
atmosphere, tension, rhythm, energy, clarity in performance)
You will be assessed on your:
- ability to demonstrate effective movement skills including the
ability to:
Demonstrate controlled, dynamic and clear
movement skills
Be specific in creating illusion
Use imagination creatively
to realise and sustain role/character including the ability to demonstrate:
Clarity of character
Focus on a task
A clear objective
ability to work co-operatively and creatively in group
situations including the ability to demonstrate:
A clear obstacle for your group
Work as a team.
A Clear Environment
Relationship with other characters
Genesis 1
Good News
Translation (GNT)
The Story of Creation
Day 1
1 In
the beginning, when God created the universe,[a] 2 the
earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was
engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God[b] was moving over the water. 3 Then
God commanded, “Let there be light”—and light appeared. 4 God
was pleased with what he saw. Then he separated the light from the darkness, 5 and
he named the light “Day” and the darkness “Night.” Evening passed and morning came—that
was the first day.
6-7 Then God commanded, “Let there be
a dome to divide the water and to keep it in two separate places”—and it was
done. So God made a dome, and it separated the water under it from the water
above it. 8 He named the dome “Sky.” Evening passed and morning
came—that was the second day.
Day 2
9 Then God commanded, “Let the
water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will
appear”—and it was done. 10 He named the land “Earth,” and the
water which had come together he named “Sea.” And God was pleased with what he
saw. 11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of
plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done. 12 So
the earth produced all kinds of plants, and God was pleased with what he saw. 13 Evening
passed and morning came—that was the third day.
14 Then God commanded, “Let lights
appear in the sky to separate day from night and to show the time when days,
years, and religious festivals[c] begin; 15 they
will shine in the sky to give light to the earth”—and it was done. 16 So
God made the two larger lights, the sun to rule over the day and the moon to
rule over the night; he also made the stars. 17 He placed the
lights in the sky to shine on the earth, 18 to rule over the
day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God was pleased
with what he saw. 19 Evening passed and morning came—that was
the fourth day.
20 Then God commanded, “Let the
water be filled with many kinds of living beings, and let the air be filled
with birds.” 21 So God created the great sea monsters, all
kinds of creatures that live in the water, and all kinds of birds. And God was
pleased with what he saw. 22 He blessed them all and told the
creatures that live in the water to reproduce and to fill the sea, and he told
the birds to increase in number. 23 Evening passed and morning
came—that was the fifth day.
Day 3
24 Then God commanded, “Let the
earth produce all kinds of animal life: domestic and wild, large and small”—and
it was done. 25 So God made them all, and he was pleased with
what he saw.
26 Then God said, “And now we will
make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power
over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild,[d] large and small.” 27 So
God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male
and female, 28 blessed them, and said, “Have many children, so
that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their
control. I am putting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the wild
animals. 29 I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of
fruit for you to eat; 30 but for all the wild animals and for
all the birds I have provided grass and leafy plants for food”—and it was done.
31 God looked at everything he had made, and he was very
pleased. Evening passed and morning came—that was the sixth day.